I know I should stop responding but something keeps telling me if I just press in maybe the right thing will be said on my part to awaken the truth within Reaka. Here is the latest:
"I wouldn't have a problem with you if everything that comes out of your mouth is god this god that god god god god. DON'T PUSH YOUR BELIEVES ON OTHERS AND WE (I) WOULDN'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT!!!!!!!!!! If you would talk about other things than all this god crap i wouldn't have a problem with you, maybe i am the only one that have the guts to stand up to you and your crap, have you ever thought of it that way? Take your god and jesus and crap and shove it up your butt."
There's that Reaka love I've come to enjoy soooo much. God is everything we are and know. He IS our Creator. He made not only me, but everything and everyone I love. So why wouldn't everything I think and do be not only based on but in direct influence of and direct control of GOD and Jesus Christ? Women who are all about their children will speak almost always about their children. Are you going to tell Betty Boosomebody, "I wouldn't have a problem with you if everything you spoke about wasn't little Johnny Johnny Johnny!" God is everything to me and you call Him crap. Nice Reaka. You're such a wonderful human being. You know for someone who says she has compassion for the pains and sufferings of the world, you're showing me absolutely NO compassion what-so-ever. Don't forget ... you started this. You need to relax and stop being so hateful. I'm not pushing my faith on anybody. I'm sharing an alternative lifestyle that has freed me from the pain and suffering of the lifestyle I once lead. When people were sharing their lifestyles of drugs, sex, use everybody around you until they're useless then go onto the next joker ... people like you weren't speaking up about them sharing THEIR lifestyles! So... when's the last time you went off on somebody for pushing Beer off onto a minor or drugs onto someone you know. Why didn't you go off on Chris, The guy who's opinion started this whole thing. You haven't said ONE WORD to him about sharing HIS beliefs and lifestyle with the rest of us! Could that be because you agree with his lifestyle? Hm.... Hypocrite!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
An Interesting Conversation between a friend's girlfriend and myself:
I was responding to a comment someone said about going to hell and it lead into some interesting conversation with another person altogether - a friend’s girlfriend. Here is the script:
My friend’s original comment:
so if you go to the doctor for a check up and doc. finds something really wrong with you and after all the testing comes back doc. says you only have a year to live what would you do comment if you like
One of his bud’s comments:
go on a f#$king bender coke and smack beer and booze and the ladies Vegas baby
My comment:
Give my life to Christ so i can truly enjoy my last days and party for eternity! Why waste your last days here on earth partying and cheat yourself out of an eternity of it? Consider this my dear friends: if you choose Jesus and make it into heaven, you’ll be hanging with the Immortal Magic Man that created sex and every “other” natural thing on this planet forever. Do you HONESTLY think it’s NOT going to be a party?
Chris also commented on Dustin’s status:
well some of use have been on the same highway for a very long time and we know which way we are going and all of my friends will be there too
My response:
It takes one action to change everything you’ve ever done. Just one, and the gates will open WIDE for you. And I would think you’d want better for your friends!
Then Dustin’s girlfriend decided to chime in … then it gets interesting!
Reaka also commented on Dustin’s status:
Chad life is what you make of it, it is just a question you don’t have to throw religion into everything you talk about. From what I understand you were never like this in school and didn’t even believe in god.
Sooooo … question … why is it that when everyone throws sex, drugs, partying, things that ruin lives on a daily basis - everyone’s cool with it. But when I speak of Jesus Christ and the beauty, wonder and hope He gives EVERYONE He touches, people say I’m getting all religious and should shut up? What do you have to fear if i try to save a fellow human being from a miserable life and eternal damnation. Furthermore, why does the mere mention of Jesus Christ bother you? Ever wonder why that is. You didn’t come back on Chris about his comment at all. I know how destructive that lifestyle is and if I can save ANYONE else from it, I WILL ALWAYS SPEAK UP no matter WHAT the consequences are. Furthermore, anyone who brags about being hell bound deserves to know there’s a better way and hell is NOT their only choice. I would hope you wouldn’t want anyone you love to end up in such a horrible place. So, God bless you and have a great day!
Life is hell on earth, so anything after life is better then the shit here. Chris who?
Oh my, dear sister. You are sooooo wrong, and HOW I PRAY you do not find out the eternal way. Chris is the dude I was responding to when you rejected my comment. You mean you didn’t even see what I was commenting to before you rejected me? That’s not very “right” of you to just jump on me without even knowing why it was I said what I said. How could you have missed it? My comment directly followed his. He was saying he was going to hell regardless and that all his buddies were going to be there. This is a terrible lie that I chose to attempt to let him know. There is a better end to our lives here on earth and everyone - EVERYONE including you, dear sister, no matter what ANYONE HAS DONE in their lives up to now, has access to a wonderful, beautiful forever. Moreover, to put your trust in Jesus will in fact make your hell on earth not merely tolerable, but joyful. Why wouldn’t you want that for yourself, your family and your friends? If life sucks that bad for you, why not try something else and see if it works. All you have to do is ask and He will come to you. You don’t even have to put up with human BS to get it … seek Jesus honestly and truly and He will find YOU. He found me with a needle in my arm and in the middle of my own hell, so I KNOW He’ll find you right where you are. God bless you. Love in Christ, -Chad
Reaka gets downright nasty:
First and foremost, you are NOT my brother and don’t ever call me your sister again! You tell me where I wrote anything that gives you the right to preach to me about god? All if wrote was good luck with the ride, I didn’t put anything more than that. I DON’T like anyone preaching to me about shit i don’t believe in, I believe in Indian beliefs I don’t believe in just an god but severe gods like in Indian beliefs one for water fire etc. i don’t expect other people to believe in my beliefs and I don’t push my beliefs on other people and I don’t appreciate others pushing theirs on me .the true way to peace and harmony is acceptance we all don’t have to like what others stand for but we are all on this planet to live and to try to survive in the end we are all created from dirt to go to dirt ashes to ashes spirits will always live on in other beings . cards are shuffled and they may fly some are hard and so they sigh what may come only to see under the mask that no one sees .
(What? Did she just quote a song? And people think music doesn’t effect us …)
Oh my goodness … did I hit a nerve? I wasn’t mean or hateful to you at all and you come back at me with all this meanness and hatefulness, and you think you have it all together and understand the ways of life do you. If your gods are true and real, why is life such hell for you. THAT IS what you said to me. If you are so comfortable with your faith, then why does my truth bother you so much? You try to act like you have it altogether with your beliefs but your beliefs have holes all through them, are unsound and un-provable by all means. They have continuously proven the truth of the Bible through archeological finds and historical facts. Sorry, but it’s true. Besides, if what I am saying isn’t true, why does the idea of Jesus enrage you so badly. If it’s not true - then it does not affect you at all, right? Something to think about. As for being your brother, we were born on the same planet and breathe the same air. We are all one - THAT is even part of your faith. You do know that right? You can hate me all you want, but I choose to love you and I will pray for you to have a better life that doesn’t seem like hell for you. God bless. -Chad
P.S. I have a thought and a question for you. My God helps me enjoy life despite how bad it gets and to love others no matter how bad they are and to forgive leaving my heart free of anything that could cause me harm, taking a life that is hell - as you put it, and making it joyful and wondrous. Why is it with all the gods you have, none of them do this for you?
Reaka mellows out a bit:
well the life I speak of is that of past religious experience and this why I feel the way I feel Chad if life is so grand then tell me why there is homeless jobless crime and sex and drugs on every street corner in this country ( not literally) of course but you got to admit that it is raging non the less yes I know due to the lack of the straight and narrow path to Jesus and the word, lost souls , heard it all before the thing is yes life is what you make of it and what you believe but hard to see anything else when all you read about and see through out the world is death and destruction innocent lives are being taking everyday and as far as in some religion there is a lot of corrupt sinister men of the cloth so to speak that are taking peoples hard earned cash and taking it for themselves and also corrupting CHILDREN in to doing sexual acts so you tell me where LIFE is really going that great and there are also one question left that no one seems to be able to answer through all of peoples findings it takes something to make something how was the first created .the thing is Chad I don’t really hate but its very difficult to except all the wrong that people do RIGHT IS RIGHT WRONG IS WRONG yes I know through faith let God deal with the things they do or the hate in your heart will consume you too but for some of us that is unacceptable to see pain and suffering cause by the wrath of unseen forces they say it will all end in a flash in a blaze but really does anyone really know NO they do not I look at it this way you believe what you want I believe what I want and we will agree to disagree cause in the end we all see the same we all want the same we all need the same and people are people and in all of that we are still unique I was once told that no matter what you religion of faith you may or may not have in the end of it all we all believe the same that there is love hate and the whole shebang peace
(Study Note for some of this particular comment:
Matthew 15: 8-20
And you are nothing but show-offs! Isaiah the prophet was right when he wrote that God had said,
"All of you praise me with your words, but you never really think about me.
It is useless for you to worship me, when you teach rules made up by humans."
Jesus called the crowd together and said, "Pay attention and try to understand what I mean.
The food that you put into your mouth doesn't make you unclean and unfit to worship God. The bad words that come out of your mouth are what make you unclean."
Then his disciples came over to him and asked, "Do you know that you insulted the Pharisees by what you said?"
Jesus answered, "Every plant that my Father in heaven did not plant will be pulled up by the roots.
Stay away from those Pharisees! They are like blind people leading other blind people, and all of them will fall into a ditch."
Peter replied, "What did you mean when you talked about the things that make people unclean?"
Jesus then said: Don't any of you know what I am talking about by now?
Don't you know that the food you put into your mouth goes into your stomach and then out of your body?
But the words that come out of your mouth come from your heart. And they are what make you unfit to worship God.
Out of your heart come evil thoughts, murder, unfaithfulness in marriage, vulgar deeds, stealing, telling lies, and insulting others.
These are what make you unclean.)
I never said “LIFE” is grand, I said Jesus Christ gives you a whole different outlook on life. He changes you from the inside out where YOU as a person deal with all situations in a beautiful, compassionate forgiving and understanding way. You cannot change LIFE, you can only change yourself through the grace of Christ. We as a human race were given this life as a gift and the freedom to live it as we please and we are responsible for how it has turned out, not God. If God was to intervene and make everything hunky-dory, He would literally have to force each and every human being to behave and do good and do as He says. Well then you have a bunch of drones walking around and the whole idea of humanity and free will would no longer exist. People are so quick to blame God for our troubles when the fact is we have come to this horrible place inj our existence due to the choices we have made as a race! It’s our fault and if justice truly were to be put forth, NO ONE would get to heaven. All of us are guilty of sin. This is why Jesus came in the first place. To carry our sins and give us a fighting chance to MAKE IT RIGHT and live forever in the presence of our Creator. And as far as “men of the cloth” … they’re human and therefore fallible like anybody else. This is why God says Himself put your trust only in ME. NOT MAN! You cannot trust man. Thing is, as long as you read the words God put here to begin with you’ll be protected from man’s foolishness. I learned this the hard way. And yes, yes, I know. The Bible was written by MAN … that’s the argument of those who don’t want to know the truth. Have you actually ever read it cover to cover. Be honest now. I have. I found out that each and every man that took part in writing the Bible had a PERSONAL relationship with either God or His son Jesus Christ. And I don’t mean “invisible relationship”. Some walked with him, talked with him just like you and I would talk today. They were inspired by and taught by the Creator and His Son personally. So, you can trust in the Word. You can’t just take people’s word for stuff man. Study it out. Find out for yourself. Your life, your soul and the lives of the ones you love depends on it. Why leave it to chance? Here’s the biggest thing you have to consider. Jesus changed my life from a self-destructive, miserable existence into one I never could have dreamed was available to me. And I would have done it sooner if I hadn’t believed all the lies told to me … the same ones being told to you. So if I were to die today and found out I was wrong, I would still have no regrets because my life has been 100 percent better than it ever was and I’ve lived a phenomenal life in the loving care of my savior. Reaka … what if you’re wrong. What if you stay stubborn and choose never to search out Jesus, never to search out the truth, choose to remain in a way of life you have called hell (I got that message even though you erased it - it came to my email, and thus this conversation) and you choose to remain out of God’s grace … and you’re wrong. Reaka - what if your wrong. Furthermore, weigh out the differences man. My God is directly a part of my life every day. I see Him doing the coolest things - He allows you to see Him actually working things out in your life as you stay faithful and get to know Him better. And all those rules everybody says are so bad: those are the reason my life is sooooo good. He really does know what’s best for you. What do your gods do for you? Do you get to see them. Do they create neat little miracles in your life and allow you to see them at work in your life. Do they make your life better? Do you have a personal relationship with your gods? I used to be into mysticism, Buddhism, I studied some druid and Hindu and I even have books on Indian ancestry … all I ever found was dead ends in all of them. But that’s me. Thing is, what if you’re wrong.
One last thought. If it takes something to create something … non of us would be here. Even the big bang theory talks of something being created out of nothing. And that same ideal goes to your gods as well. Everything ends up in the same place when you go to the beginning of time. No matter HOW you look at it EVERYTHING began as nothing. There’s no way of getting around it. Does it blow the mind? OH you bet, but that’s the beauty of it. Inevitably our very existence is MAGIC. An absolute miracle. Where the Big Bang theory, and others like it, fall apart is the design. Study out the human eye, the universe and how it works. Look at it scientifically and you’ll find a truth you cannot get around. Everything we see and know is PURPOSEFULLY DESIGNED. In fact the ratio that we and everything around us happened as an accident is so infinitely vast - like a trillion to one, that science itself has literally (accidentally mind you) proven that a designer Created everything we know. It’s all so very fascinating and very enjoyable to put some time into. The WOW! factor of my studies have been beyond belief. God loves us Reaka, and study - real time put into it, proves so time and again! I hope you take the time to really search Him out.
Reaka gets nasty again:
kiss my butt and go read your bible. learn that not everyone believes what you do and don’t push your crap on other people who don’t want any part of it, i am sure I’m not the only one that feels this way about all your religious preaching. preach to someone who wants to hear your crap, i don’t!
You know every single person on this and other sites have opinions about their faith, their beliefs, life in general and everyone can have their opinions with very little to NO conflicts or back lashing EXCEPT believers of Jesus Christ. We get the privilege of being one of the only faiths hated by nearly everybody and everyone thinks we should shut up. Funny that, huh. Ever wonder why Jesus is such a threat to everybody. Why is He so offensive to you. What do you care? You don’t believe in Him anyway. So why do my opinions offend you so badly. I watch. I listen. You don’t attack ANYBODY else on Facebook for their beliefs and ideals. Why is that Reaka?
Furthermore, you’re the one that keeps initiating these conversations by attacking me for sharing my beliefs with others. If I weren’t such a threat to your way of beliefs, I hardly think you’d pay attention to me at all.
You have such a wonderful and friendly attitude. I’m glad not everybody is as friendly as you are. And I read my Bible everyday, but thanks for the encouragement.
May God bless you with enlightenment soon, in Jesus’ name.
P.S. You tell me to learn, but that’s exactly what I am doing. I didn’t come to the truth by sitting on my butt listening to everyone else’s nonsense. I study it out. I LEARN. Tell me something Reaka … are you learning anything at all. Do you even put any real time getting to know the truths about your own religions and your own gods? I’m betting you don’t. If you did, common sense alone, without the help of Jesus, would tell you something is seriously wrong with your beliefs. Look at Hollywood. They’re all embracing scientology without any of them even realizing (or they haven’t admitted to it) that its founder is a full fledged Satanist who thinks he’s the devil himself. Better know what you’re getting into man. There are consequences for everything we say, do and believe in!
I finished with a note to my friend:
Just a note of concern. Your girlfriend hates me and my faith. I'm sorry about that, but I will NOT go back to the wicked person I was and I praise God for having mercy on me and giving me another chance, so I will praise Him no matter what and if I can help bring the joy I have been given to any of my friends, family or even strangers, then I will, because what kind of friend would I be if I didn't share the wonderful truth I have found. I hope you don't share in her hatred, but know I love you all regardless. Hope all is well my friend. God bless you.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
God Is Brilliant Beyond Fathoming

There is so much in Creation to be in awe of ... the sheer details and technical workings of each and every organism down to the microscopic tissues and atoms and cellular workings within the human body are mind-blowing, but a thought more simple but beyond brilliance is the "why" of our Creation as humans. Now I can never nor will I ever understand the workings of God, but I CAN see what "I Am" has done and consider merely some of the reasons behind it. As for humans and the question as to why He didn't just create a race of beings that already love Him and worship Him unconditionally without all the sin, wickedness and hubbub? Not really a brain killer if you consider the alternative ... who wants to be worshipped by a bunch of unthinking, uncaring and insensitive drones? That would be an eternal drag, man! There's no love or passion in a drone created to adore you. No heart ... no thought or consideration or relationship in it what-so-ever. But what if you created a bunch of self-thinking, self-preserving creatures with the capacity of great love and passion and then allow them to choose to love, worship and adore you. Now, consider what it would take for such a being to be willing to be voluntarily ruled over, taken care of and yes loved by its Creator? Choice is the ultimate dealer of true passion in humanity. When you force them to serve you, they do so with hatred and disdain, awaiting a chance to escape and even take vengeance upon their captors, however when we as humans serve those we love and cherish, we do so with loyalty and passion. So how do you as a Creator get your Creation to love, cherish and honor you? By being the better choice of ONLY TWO DECISIONS. Good or Evil. Heaven ... or Hell. Of all the choices we make in this existence, every single one of those choices fall into one of two categories ... GOOD, or EVIL. As well, both carry consequences, both in this short physical life and more importantly, in the life eternal. If you were the Creator, how would you get them to choose you ... love you ... long and adore for you? Simple: be the better choice of only two choices. Absolutely brilliant!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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