There is so much in Creation to be in awe of ... the sheer details and technical workings of each and every organism down to the microscopic tissues and atoms and cellular workings within the human body are mind-blowing, but a thought more simple but beyond brilliance is the "why" of our Creation as humans. Now I can never nor will I ever understand the workings of God, but I CAN see what "I Am" has done and consider merely some of the reasons behind it. As for humans and the question as to why He didn't just create a race of beings that already love Him and worship Him unconditionally without all the sin, wickedness and hubbub? Not really a brain killer if you consider the alternative ... who wants to be worshipped by a bunch of unthinking, uncaring and insensitive drones? That would be an eternal drag, man! There's no love or passion in a drone created to adore you. No heart ... no thought or consideration or relationship in it what-so-ever. But what if you created a bunch of self-thinking, self-preserving creatures with the capacity of great love and passion and then allow them to choose to love, worship and adore you. Now, consider what it would take for such a being to be willing to be voluntarily ruled over, taken care of and yes loved by its Creator? Choice is the ultimate dealer of true passion in humanity. When you force them to serve you, they do so with hatred and disdain, awaiting a chance to escape and even take vengeance upon their captors, however when we as humans serve those we love and cherish, we do so with loyalty and passion. So how do you as a Creator get your Creation to love, cherish and honor you? By being the better choice of ONLY TWO DECISIONS. Good or Evil. Heaven ... or Hell. Of all the choices we make in this existence, every single one of those choices fall into one of two categories ... GOOD, or EVIL. As well, both carry consequences, both in this short physical life and more importantly, in the life eternal. If you were the Creator, how would you get them to choose you ... love you ... long and adore for you? Simple: be the better choice of only two choices. Absolutely brilliant!
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