Monday, September 14, 2009

Dealing with contradictions 01

I am starting a new study both to help myself and others who might be living the same problem. I looked up "Bible Contradictions" and found a well-thought out list of them that I would like to address. All of these will take getting beyond yourself ... prayer will help in that. Quite frankly, we must remember that God is Creator and sovereign and you simply must consider the source: this is God we're talking about, not man. Man is foolish and fallable- God is perfect and all-knowing. We simply are not going to "Get" Him. If you think that any human being can "Get" God outside the human Being that "WAS GOD" then you are far too egotistical to "GET IT" anyway. Come back when you have been humbled by life. For the rest, this is for those who are tired of listening to the same "drovel" coming from both sides of the fence. Next study will come from the "Religious" side, but for now this is about the doubters and unbelievers of the Holy Word, and for those like myself who are sick and tired of contradiction in the religious state of affairs.

Do not forget loved ones ... these are based on my spiritual walk, faith in God and advent prayer on this subject, so take it for what it's worth.


They said this is a contradiction:

War or Peace?
EXO 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

ROM 15:33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

I believe:

God is the Creator of all things, including War and Peace. Thus, He is Lord of war ... AND God of peace. Let's dive deeper:

God wants peace ... man wants war. God is a God of peace, but He is also a God of kept promises, one of those being allowing His human Creation to have free will. God is the author and Creator of both peace and war, but if you read the WHOLE Bible, His book of "why-whatwas-when-what'stocome" you'll know that His ultimate desire IS love and peace. But in this life He has created, His greatest creation cannot seem to get beyond itself - YES, US HUMANS thrive on power and glory and do not want to trust its Creator to take care of us. We can do it on our own, we believe, and most of the time that includes 2 things: war to get our way and rebellion against God to ... GET OUR WAY! If we choose war, that is a free will decision and God will allow this to happen because to stop it from happening would break His own promise and that would be self-destructive and unwise ... two things God is NOT! Furthermore, to stop us from committing our own free-will decisions to destroy one another would create a nation of drones, doing God's will, not ours, and there's no satisfaction in a bunch of puppets loving you because you SAY SO! God wants you to trust and obey Him because #1 He really does know what's best for you, and #2 because you love Him- TRULY love your Creator. So your obedience MUST be a freewill decision, not forced.

That said, let's look at the texts. That scripture in Exodus was a bunch of humans glorifying God as a butt-kicking God, ready and willing to protect His children should the enemy attack. This is a scripture of hope, man! Pharoah's armies wouldn't stop coming after God's chosen people, and God gave Egypt grace after grace after grace to "LET HIS PEOPLE GO", and Egypt and it's leader simply would not obey (sound familiar?), so God finally said "smack" and took them out, thus saving His people. So His people, in the heat of the moment, praised God pronouncing Him as a Lord of war, because when God goes to war - NOTHING IS LEFT STANDING THAT OPPOSES HIM OR HIS PEOPLE! If you oppose God, you have MUCH to worry about. But if you are His people, this is very comforting to know that although He is a God of peace, HE WILL KICK ROYAL TUSHY TO PROTECT HIS OWN!


So here is the basic sum-up: God is God, and you are not. If you choose to oppose God and His chosen people, expect defeat and massive casualties. If you don't like this, perhaps you should reconsider what side you're on.

A personal side note of testimony ... when I was living on my own terms, life was a struggle and it seemed as though EVERYTHING was against me. When I allowed Christ into my life, a choice I made on my own mind you, everything has been just so wonderful. Life and its struggles (which are many, don't get me wrong) have been way beyond tolerable and moving into FANTASTIC because I do not face it alone any longer. I have the God of Creation covering me in all situations. You have NO IDEA how wonderful my life has become since making this very wise decision. It's unexplainable unless you try it for yourself.

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