Matthew 21:16
"They asked Jesus, 'Do you hear what these children are saying?' 'Yes,' Jesus replied. 'Haven't you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, 'You have taught children and infants to give you praise.'"
Beloved family and friends... I wrote a Christmas play and we are putting on a free dinner theater this very coming weekend. We all want to be entertained for the holiday season... I myself am guilty of this- I love love love the joyous celebrations of the Christmas season. Alas, there is a reocurring theme that has been growing increasingly rampid in our society at an alarming rate and NO ONE SEEMS TO WANT TO ADDRESS IT! And that's that the lie of Santa Claus has been pushing out the truth of Jesus Christ!
So... I wrote a play. It addresses this issue HEAD ON! And although it has been "lightened" excessively to appeal to children and adults alike and not be so "in-your-face" as my original vision of it intended... the heart of it is still there, and I highly recommend you guys come treat yourselves and your families to a great free meal and Christmas with a little taste of reality. Don't worry, there's plenty of fluff out there for you (and yes- "I") to enjoy, but why not come get fed some meat to settle into the season properly and without all the extra fat!
Now, I'm no prude... I love a good story, and this one has Santa Claus, fairy's, action, drama and Jesus Christ in it... but this play doesn't just feed you desert... it gives you your main course for sustanence and strength. I think everyone should try to make it out to one of two nights: Friday Dec. 11th at 7pm or Saturday Dec. 12th at 6pm at Abundant Life Christian Center on Newman and Prosperity- next to the Four Seasons Sports Complex.
So... I wrote this play. Why? Thanks for asking. Let me answer by telling you how this evening's practice for the play went. Here's the highlights... during one very important scene, we go from fantasy land to reality, and it rings a bit of sadness to the viewer... now I cannot tell you what happens and ruin the play for you, but anyone that knows Jesus personally will be affected by it, and one sister helped bring forth the point I'm trying to make by saying... "That's so sad... I thought Christmas was supposed to be happy!" What she missed was that the only reason the scene was sad to her was because of the TRUTH this scene shows. I was happy to hear this scene made her sad, because that showed me she does truly LOVE Jesus (bless your heart beloved sister!). Something else this comment helped prove was that we are more interested in being "entertained" than knowing the TRUTH! Harsh... but true!
Now hold on... this is the part where it REALLY gets rough: one thing I watched for and was clearly disturbed by was the children's reactions in the play as this was a dress rehearsal and Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were clearly present in adapted form. Now I love our kids, and this is not to their harm in any way- it is simply the reality of the accepted fabrications we have carried as tradition throughout time finally rearing its ugly head... and as prevelant as it is among the Christian youth- just consider how bad it is amongst the non-Christian... now I'd give details, but again this is not to the harm of our beloved children, so let me just say that when I as Santa was present, I saw and heard absolute adoration among the children. Santa was highly appreciated among our youth. Jesus Christ was a whisper- if that- amidst them. They simply did not show the adoration for the character of Christ as they did for the character of Santa Claus.
Who's fault is that? Ours. YES... YOURS AND MINE! ALL OF US! Santa brings gifts... Jesus brings salvation and somehow we have severely fallen short of what is the MOST IMPORTANT GIFT OF ALL or managed to properly relay this to our children!
The Bible clearly states... "They asked Jesus, 'Do you hear what these children are saying?' 'Yes,' Jesus replied. 'Haven't you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, 'You have taught children and infants to give you praise.'" Matthew 21:16
WHO ARE YOU TEACHING YOUR KIDS TO PRAISE? Have you considered you may very well be inadvertently teaching your kids that Idol worshipping and Lying is okay?
When we hear Santa Claus being glorified and praised above and beyond that of the name and very presence of Christ... THAT is clearly a red flag from the very mouths of our children, who simply redirect back to us what we as parents, leaders and society have fed them. See and hear the fruit of our choices!
I wrote a play... and this is why I wrote a play. I dare you to come witness TRUTH and start your season out right... then go get your fluff fulfilled elsewhere- no worries... there's plenty to be had!
I say all this with great love and adoration for all of you. I will get my fluff on too... but not before protecting myself with the mighty armour of the TRUTH of Christ! Come... let us feed you BODY AND SPIRIT... and may you all have a very Merry CHRISTmas!
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