If you’re serious about changing your life, Dr. John Maxwell says:
"Don't just change enough to get away from your problems - change enough to solve them.
Don't change your circumstances to improve your life - change yourself to improve your circumstances.
Don't do the same old things expecting different results - get different results by doing something new.
Don't see change as something hurtful that must be done - see it as something helpful that can be done.
Don't avoid paying the immediate price tag of change - if you do, you will pay the ultimate price of never improving."
©John Maxwell
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
The smartest people in the world ...
I find it very peculiar how some of the smartest people in the world do not believe in God, but they have no problem believing that "Something" came from "Nothing".
Isn't it funny how some of the smartest people in the world claim "There is no absolute truth" however, their mere belief in that statement automatically makes them a believer in absolute truth, for they believe this ideal is absolutely true!
Isn't it disturbing that some of the smartest people in the world can study some of the most carefully detailed aspects of life like the intricate nature of the eyeball, the precision-designed workings of the cells and the perfectly flowing nature of the universe that is so carefully put together that if even the slightest thing were off (like the distance of the sun from the earth, the exact pull of gravity, or any of the miraculously sustained blackholes that somehow do not completely destroy the universes even though they are constantly consuming them), our very existence would be unsustainable... they can study these things and see how miraculous and purposeful these things are and yet still claim it all happened accidentally. BANG! - Ooops ... look at that ... a perfectly running and orderly universe. My bad!
Seems to me some of the the smartest people in the world really aren't very smart at all!
Look around you ... not at humanity or human creations, but at the nature of life itself... how it all fits together just "so", that one thing cannot do without the other; how everything has its place and purpose. Common sense alone dictates that this unfathomable work of perfection that has been existing and surviving for thousands of years despite the countless number of things in the universe that could have and should have ended it long ago was absolutely NOT brought into being by sheer chance. That is the most stupid thing I believe i have ever heard!
Furthermore, isn't absolute belief in the "Big Bang" theory just another form of Absolute Truth?
Isn't it funny how some of the smartest people in the world claim "There is no absolute truth" however, their mere belief in that statement automatically makes them a believer in absolute truth, for they believe this ideal is absolutely true!
Isn't it disturbing that some of the smartest people in the world can study some of the most carefully detailed aspects of life like the intricate nature of the eyeball, the precision-designed workings of the cells and the perfectly flowing nature of the universe that is so carefully put together that if even the slightest thing were off (like the distance of the sun from the earth, the exact pull of gravity, or any of the miraculously sustained blackholes that somehow do not completely destroy the universes even though they are constantly consuming them), our very existence would be unsustainable... they can study these things and see how miraculous and purposeful these things are and yet still claim it all happened accidentally. BANG! - Ooops ... look at that ... a perfectly running and orderly universe. My bad!
Seems to me some of the the smartest people in the world really aren't very smart at all!
Look around you ... not at humanity or human creations, but at the nature of life itself... how it all fits together just "so", that one thing cannot do without the other; how everything has its place and purpose. Common sense alone dictates that this unfathomable work of perfection that has been existing and surviving for thousands of years despite the countless number of things in the universe that could have and should have ended it long ago was absolutely NOT brought into being by sheer chance. That is the most stupid thing I believe i have ever heard!
Furthermore, isn't absolute belief in the "Big Bang" theory just another form of Absolute Truth?
Grace, Salvation, and Knowledge
Instead of telling people who still live in the world and in sin (after they have received Christ as their Lord and Savior) "Don't worry ... you cannot lose your salvation..." perhaps we should instead go over the scripture with them to help them understand the changes that will happen and the fruits that begin to appear when someone has truly given their lives to Christ so that they understand and thus can come to their own conclusion (...search yourself and see if Christ ways be in you...)if they truly have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior ... after all, is not a lack of knowledge that causes so many to believe they are saved when in fact they are not.
And in this same spirit, does the Bible not teach us that when a brother (sister) is in sin we should approach them in love and show them from the Holy Word the proof of that sin (along with witnesses from the body).
If we keep feeding the unrighteous and the unsaved a safety net for their wickedness, how can we possibly expect them to get well and get over their sickly state of self-serving sin?
Do not ask how they got saved ... ask how do they know they are saved. Do they hunger for God, His word, His ways? Do they desire to serve the Mighty Creator or His creation? Do they long to know His ways and His will, or are they content living apart from Him ... still in the world ... still in sin? You WILL know them by their fruits!
And in this same spirit, does the Bible not teach us that when a brother (sister) is in sin we should approach them in love and show them from the Holy Word the proof of that sin (along with witnesses from the body).
If we keep feeding the unrighteous and the unsaved a safety net for their wickedness, how can we possibly expect them to get well and get over their sickly state of self-serving sin?
Do not ask how they got saved ... ask how do they know they are saved. Do they hunger for God, His word, His ways? Do they desire to serve the Mighty Creator or His creation? Do they long to know His ways and His will, or are they content living apart from Him ... still in the world ... still in sin? You WILL know them by their fruits!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Grace ... and salvation. Why chance it? Choose both!
I had made a comment that "You cannot live like hell and expect heaven." on Facebook and a beloved brother wrote back:
"without grace, even people living like heaven couldn't expect heaven :) It's all about grace . . . you know it."
My answer:
Grace is a gift from Christ. But if you reject that grace by living as YOU choose and NOT as God chooses ... fact is the Bible says plenty about people who have accepted the gift of grace and then uses it as an excuse to live in sin, and non of it is good. "If you love me (says Jesus) follow my commandmenets." And in Revelations He clearly states He wants us hot or cold. Lukewarm people get spewed. Do you think He's going to spew them through heaven's gates brother? Do you really? I'm sorry, but I am reading everywhere in the Bible - old and new testament where living in the world apart from God IS FATAL FOR YOUR SOUL. Look at all the Christians who look nothing like Christ because they take God's gift of grace totally for granted.
Not at all bro. And I respect people's views on the whole "Losing Salvation" ideal, for you will know them by their fruits, indeed. However, I believe preaching in this belief gives people (who have an "easy sin nature" to begin with) is not helping the kingdom at all and is totally a mute point. First of all, the Bible does not contradict itself and yet get 2 Bible believing, well-trained Bible scholars in opposite ends of this spectrum in a room to argue the point and many people will leave believing that the bible does in fact contradict itself, because it is real easy to point certain scriptures in directions that help support both ideals. We as Christians and human beings are constantly stepping on God's toes in this way. So I choose to make it simple. This is what I read in scripture - and there's no twisting this truth:
Jesus died for our sins. Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and your sins are forgiven. Jesus says once you have done so, you will change and stop living in and of the World ... you will not like the things you used to like and sin will disgust you. You will in fact love people, but hate sin. If you are not changing, still living the same way ... Read Moreand in the same sin, indulging in new sins and accepting the sin-nature of others ... you are not showing the fruits of the change Christ creates within those who have accepted His gift of salvation, and thus ... your soul is in danger of eternal seperation of God. Arguing the point of losing one's salvation is simply another blocked artery in the body of Christ, just like arguing over tongues and preaching mostly about "money, tithe, offerings, and alms". We are totally lacking unity in the body over small issues that are bleeding us from the inside out.
If we would just be obedient and follow His commandments, all the rest just falls into place naturally: Tongues will come should that gift be God's will for you, tithing and tending to the poor-widow-orphan as well as offerings to further God's kingdom will be something you would simply desire to do out of desire to be obedient to God's will and you would never have to lose your salvation because your salvation was never in danger to begin with!! A Christian's fruits are the effect of one's salvation, and fruits are simply the actions, words and emotions that come from a human being due to their character and way of living which changes when one truly accepts Christ as their Lord and savior.
"without grace, even people living like heaven couldn't expect heaven :) It's all about grace . . . you know it."
My answer:
Grace is a gift from Christ. But if you reject that grace by living as YOU choose and NOT as God chooses ... fact is the Bible says plenty about people who have accepted the gift of grace and then uses it as an excuse to live in sin, and non of it is good. "If you love me (says Jesus) follow my commandmenets." And in Revelations He clearly states He wants us hot or cold. Lukewarm people get spewed. Do you think He's going to spew them through heaven's gates brother? Do you really? I'm sorry, but I am reading everywhere in the Bible - old and new testament where living in the world apart from God IS FATAL FOR YOUR SOUL. Look at all the Christians who look nothing like Christ because they take God's gift of grace totally for granted.
Not at all bro. And I respect people's views on the whole "Losing Salvation" ideal, for you will know them by their fruits, indeed. However, I believe preaching in this belief gives people (who have an "easy sin nature" to begin with) is not helping the kingdom at all and is totally a mute point. First of all, the Bible does not contradict itself and yet get 2 Bible believing, well-trained Bible scholars in opposite ends of this spectrum in a room to argue the point and many people will leave believing that the bible does in fact contradict itself, because it is real easy to point certain scriptures in directions that help support both ideals. We as Christians and human beings are constantly stepping on God's toes in this way. So I choose to make it simple. This is what I read in scripture - and there's no twisting this truth:
Jesus died for our sins. Accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and your sins are forgiven. Jesus says once you have done so, you will change and stop living in and of the World ... you will not like the things you used to like and sin will disgust you. You will in fact love people, but hate sin. If you are not changing, still living the same way ... Read Moreand in the same sin, indulging in new sins and accepting the sin-nature of others ... you are not showing the fruits of the change Christ creates within those who have accepted His gift of salvation, and thus ... your soul is in danger of eternal seperation of God. Arguing the point of losing one's salvation is simply another blocked artery in the body of Christ, just like arguing over tongues and preaching mostly about "money, tithe, offerings, and alms". We are totally lacking unity in the body over small issues that are bleeding us from the inside out.
If we would just be obedient and follow His commandments, all the rest just falls into place naturally: Tongues will come should that gift be God's will for you, tithing and tending to the poor-widow-orphan as well as offerings to further God's kingdom will be something you would simply desire to do out of desire to be obedient to God's will and you would never have to lose your salvation because your salvation was never in danger to begin with!! A Christian's fruits are the effect of one's salvation, and fruits are simply the actions, words and emotions that come from a human being due to their character and way of living which changes when one truly accepts Christ as their Lord and savior.
The Meaning of Life?
If you want to know the meaning of life, get to know the one whom created life. God IS the answer. Question is, do you really want to know the truth or do you choose to renmain blinded in the world's lies?
The answer to life is found in Jesus Christ. Have you EVEN TRIED giving Jesus Christ a chance. If you've tried everything else, and not Him, don't you think you should (now when I say Jesus Christ, I am not talking about Christians or church. I am talking about getting a bible, reading and learning about the Son of God and then praying for Him to reveal Himself to you ... then watch the magic begin. Don't trust in humans - they mess it all up!!)
If you're REALLY TRULY interested in finding the answers to the questions of LIFE, seek the ONE PERSON who knows life because HE CREATED IT!
The rules to living life properly can be found in The Holy Bible. Have you read it?
All of it?
A Facebook friend asked: "If he created life, please tell me who created him?"
Well first of all, since we cannot even figure out how to live our own lives or solve our own problems, we had probably better not try to figure out How our very Creator got created. Secondly, if we knew how God Himself came to be, we would then know ALL mysteries of life because you would have to unmask life itself to find that answer, and well ... Read Morethen He would no longer be God, now would He. We would be, and that simply wouldn't work. Finally, it takes much more faith to believe this PERFECTLY running universe was created by accident. If you truly went hunting for the TRUTH of life, you would find scientific fact that if even one small miniscule thing went wrong in space, everything would fold in on itself, so SOMEBODY is keeping it all "JUST SO" (distance from the sun, moon, etc) to avoid our very existence coming to an end. Now who do you suppose that someone is, my friend? Is it you? It's not me.
Furthermore, you are not an accident. You were especially created to be YOU. You were designed by a loving Creator ... NOT an accident.
Well, as to be expected, I hit a nerve and people started responding...
"Life is what you make of it and all that mumbo jumbo about christ well we all make our own choices people and christ can show us the door but we are the ones that have to chose to walk thru it. Live life like its the last day on earth....."
My response was:
And look where all of us making our own choices as we see fit has gotten us. People have ignored God's laws and done as they please and now we are seeing the horrible effects of those decisions. And don't worry, at this rate our last day on earth is not far away. Question is, do you want to face that day on the sheer chance that Christ is just mumbo jumbo? Good luck with that! Let me know how that works out for you.
she had more to say ... I'll give it to you as it was given to me and then my response ...
"Fir ur info I was not calling christ mumbo jumbo I was saying ur preaching is MUMBO JUMBO. And people who make their own choices are not all bad its only the idiots out their. I do not see you have to be a holy roller to be holy nor to be accepted in heaven. That is Y God died for our sinds to give us the right to make choices DUH....
excuse me jusus died not god...
And who gave u the right to preach about christ you wanna preach become a preacher other wise keep it to ypurself. I don't think god gave anyone the right to speack for him o n whats right nor wrong. Thats for him to decide...."
And me...
Read your comment. You said "christ mumbo jumbo", then read your bible. Clearly you have not been studying the Book of Life. As for me, I am stating fact that can be read in God's word. You have read the Holy Bible, right?
And ... "DUH"? Is that a technical word? College, perhaps?
Jesus IS God ... in the flesh. You had it right the first time. :^)
Jesus died for our sins to give us a chance to be in the presence of GOD our Creator forever. In His glorious kingdom. But that WAS NOT a ticket to do as you please. If you choose to continue to sin, you choose to reject Christ and His commandments, which is what most people are choosing in America today. Yes you have a choice, but you will suffer consequences of the choices you make. Do you really think God is looking down saying, "Oh. Still sinning I see. Still just blowing me off. Oh ... that's okay. Go ahead. I'll let you in anyway." ???? Really????
Seriously, you really need to read your bible. You're talking absolute nonsense. Jesus told the disciples to go out and make disciples of the world. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF gave you the right to speak from the bible to others. Now, little sister, how do you suppose anyone is going to be saved if WE DON"T TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS CHRIST? Are you even listening to yourself? God DID give each and every one of us the right to "preach" the word of God. It's called the great commission and it IS WHAT YOU, ME and EVERY Christ-believing person is supposed to do. But first of all beloved sister, you need to get yourself a bible and read it. Stop listening to everyone elses "IDEALS" about God and find out for yourself because clearly you do not have a clue what your calling is. I love you little sister, but your way of thinking is the reason people AREN'T GETTING SAVED and if you'd just look around you and get a clue, we are running out of time.
Christ is returning ... you'd best find out who CHRIST REALLY IS before you come before Him. I mean seriously ... doesn't anybody read anymore. God gave you the bible to figure Him out for yourself, but if you don't read it, you're a sitting duck for all the lies and deceit the world is spreading about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Read the book. Stop taking everybody else's word for it.
For that matter - don't take my word for it ... look it all up for yourself. It's all in the new testament, but for heaven's sake man ... READ IT!!!

"911 Emergency Call" by Michael Indorato
The answer to life is found in Jesus Christ. Have you EVEN TRIED giving Jesus Christ a chance. If you've tried everything else, and not Him, don't you think you should (now when I say Jesus Christ, I am not talking about Christians or church. I am talking about getting a bible, reading and learning about the Son of God and then praying for Him to reveal Himself to you ... then watch the magic begin. Don't trust in humans - they mess it all up!!)
If you're REALLY TRULY interested in finding the answers to the questions of LIFE, seek the ONE PERSON who knows life because HE CREATED IT!
The rules to living life properly can be found in The Holy Bible. Have you read it?
All of it?
A Facebook friend asked: "If he created life, please tell me who created him?"
Well first of all, since we cannot even figure out how to live our own lives or solve our own problems, we had probably better not try to figure out How our very Creator got created. Secondly, if we knew how God Himself came to be, we would then know ALL mysteries of life because you would have to unmask life itself to find that answer, and well ... Read Morethen He would no longer be God, now would He. We would be, and that simply wouldn't work. Finally, it takes much more faith to believe this PERFECTLY running universe was created by accident. If you truly went hunting for the TRUTH of life, you would find scientific fact that if even one small miniscule thing went wrong in space, everything would fold in on itself, so SOMEBODY is keeping it all "JUST SO" (distance from the sun, moon, etc) to avoid our very existence coming to an end. Now who do you suppose that someone is, my friend? Is it you? It's not me.
Furthermore, you are not an accident. You were especially created to be YOU. You were designed by a loving Creator ... NOT an accident.
Well, as to be expected, I hit a nerve and people started responding...
"Life is what you make of it and all that mumbo jumbo about christ well we all make our own choices people and christ can show us the door but we are the ones that have to chose to walk thru it. Live life like its the last day on earth....."
My response was:
And look where all of us making our own choices as we see fit has gotten us. People have ignored God's laws and done as they please and now we are seeing the horrible effects of those decisions. And don't worry, at this rate our last day on earth is not far away. Question is, do you want to face that day on the sheer chance that Christ is just mumbo jumbo? Good luck with that! Let me know how that works out for you.
she had more to say ... I'll give it to you as it was given to me and then my response ...
"Fir ur info I was not calling christ mumbo jumbo I was saying ur preaching is MUMBO JUMBO. And people who make their own choices are not all bad its only the idiots out their. I do not see you have to be a holy roller to be holy nor to be accepted in heaven. That is Y God died for our sinds to give us the right to make choices DUH....
excuse me jusus died not god...
And who gave u the right to preach about christ you wanna preach become a preacher other wise keep it to ypurself. I don't think god gave anyone the right to speack for him o n whats right nor wrong. Thats for him to decide...."
And me...
Read your comment. You said "christ mumbo jumbo", then read your bible. Clearly you have not been studying the Book of Life. As for me, I am stating fact that can be read in God's word. You have read the Holy Bible, right?
And ... "DUH"? Is that a technical word? College, perhaps?
Jesus IS God ... in the flesh. You had it right the first time. :^)
Jesus died for our sins to give us a chance to be in the presence of GOD our Creator forever. In His glorious kingdom. But that WAS NOT a ticket to do as you please. If you choose to continue to sin, you choose to reject Christ and His commandments, which is what most people are choosing in America today. Yes you have a choice, but you will suffer consequences of the choices you make. Do you really think God is looking down saying, "Oh. Still sinning I see. Still just blowing me off. Oh ... that's okay. Go ahead. I'll let you in anyway." ???? Really????
Seriously, you really need to read your bible. You're talking absolute nonsense. Jesus told the disciples to go out and make disciples of the world. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF gave you the right to speak from the bible to others. Now, little sister, how do you suppose anyone is going to be saved if WE DON"T TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS CHRIST? Are you even listening to yourself? God DID give each and every one of us the right to "preach" the word of God. It's called the great commission and it IS WHAT YOU, ME and EVERY Christ-believing person is supposed to do. But first of all beloved sister, you need to get yourself a bible and read it. Stop listening to everyone elses "IDEALS" about God and find out for yourself because clearly you do not have a clue what your calling is. I love you little sister, but your way of thinking is the reason people AREN'T GETTING SAVED and if you'd just look around you and get a clue, we are running out of time.
Christ is returning ... you'd best find out who CHRIST REALLY IS before you come before Him. I mean seriously ... doesn't anybody read anymore. God gave you the bible to figure Him out for yourself, but if you don't read it, you're a sitting duck for all the lies and deceit the world is spreading about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Read the book. Stop taking everybody else's word for it.
For that matter - don't take my word for it ... look it all up for yourself. It's all in the new testament, but for heaven's sake man ... READ IT!!!

"911 Emergency Call" by Michael Indorato
So the devil keeps beating you upside the head with old wounds and old bad habits? Alright beloved - THIS I'm familiar with, so check it out. NEVER GIVE UP! Die to yourself each and every morning and give your day to the Lord by praying as soon as you wake up - "LORD, THIS DAY IS YOURS. EMPTY ME and FILL ME WITH YOU" Then every time the devil sends those bad habits your way, you rebuke them in Jesus' name and give it over to God "NOT MY WILL FATHER BUT YOURS; NOT BY MY STRENGTH FATHER BUT BY YOUR STRENGTH"!!
But you HAVE to stay in the word and in prayer each and every day. If you're not doing that, you leave the door WIDE OPEN .... Literally an open invitation to allow the devil to manipulate your day. And .... do this always- NEVER GIVE UP!
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
But you HAVE to stay in the word and in prayer each and every day. If you're not doing that, you leave the door WIDE OPEN .... Literally an open invitation to allow the devil to manipulate your day. And .... do this always- NEVER GIVE UP!
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
Saturday, May 23, 2009
2nd Kings 19: All
2nd Kings 19 (all) If a leader(s) humbles themselves and pray to the one and only Living God, He WILL respond. GOD IS IN CONTROL (seriously read 2nd Kings 19: all). Don't worry what others say about God, He can and will take care of Himself. 2 Kings 19: All!!
Chillax My Beloved!
When we let go of fear, only then, can we gracefully move from what was, into the miracle of what can be.
Friday, May 15, 2009
You Have NO Control Over Yesterday
Yesterday is gone. What your parents, grandparents, great-greats (etc) and ancestors did in the past is completely out of your control. What you have some control over is your actions this moment of this day. RIGHT NOW is all you have - it's all that is certain, so stop using the past to fight your battles in the present. No one can change yesterday, but you certainly have a say-so for tomorrow. You are responsible for yourself here and now. Choose wisely. Ask yourself, "How can I make tomorrow better for the world?" And then act accordingly. God bless you and keep you.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
You ARE Special!
You are loved, cherished and adored by the Creator of the universe and every living thing in it... and what's more, He cherishes you ABOVE all other lifeforms, species and creatures He has EVER created. Are you aware how SIGNIFICANT this is- how much more important this is over all other things in your life. Why? Because He will love and protect all that you love and want protected. He CREATED EVERYTHING 4 U! Don't believe the hype and allow others to steal away your joy ... when you receive the Lord into your life, your life opens up into comfort, joy, security and possibilities you could NEVER have fathomed. But first, you must take that leap of faith and trust Him with your life - ALL of your Life. Open up and let the Creator of the heavens and earth Create a whole new you. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!
Sorry - NO, We're Not Okay!!
America the beautiful is... a bigoted internet-darling homosexual dude judging a semi-naked semi-moral contestant wearing a cross who poses topless and thinks its okay to follow only "some" of God's rules. But ... HEY! We're okay. Nothing wrong here. And by the way does ANYONE else see ANYTHING wrong with todays cartoons (especially the primetime ones on FOX) and pretty much ALL of today's sitcoms? No? Just me then. All the lies, cheating, stealing, and immorality that has replaced the moral-codes of today doesn't bother anyone at all?
You know when you get rid of everything that's right in the world and settle for everything that's wrong ... you have the horror we now live with today. Now they're trying to make it where only immorality is accepted in schools, TV, movies, politics, !!BUSINESS!! (or am I the only one that watched helplessly as that busload of greedy SOB's stole billions of our hard-earned money away with absolutely NOTHING to show for it all except unemployment and loss and NO ONE held responsible for its blatant, in-our-face theft ... oh, here- have a huge bonus and vacation on behalf of the moron taxpayers - HA-HA!!)... and no one seems to really be all that worried about any of it. Are you okay with the state of affairs in this country right now? If you are, just hold onto your hat ... we're only a few short years away from being one of these third-world nations you hear about on the news today.
Anarchy, chaos and tyranny. You want it, you're gonna get it.
I love you, but it sucks to turn on the TV and see what we have come to accept in this country today. I am watching my freedoms and morals and values being stole away by people who just want a free pass for their sin, and I know it's supposed to happen (Revelations, etc) - but it doesn't make it suck any less!!!
Anyway... had a moment.
This too shall pass.
You know when you get rid of everything that's right in the world and settle for everything that's wrong ... you have the horror we now live with today. Now they're trying to make it where only immorality is accepted in schools, TV, movies, politics, !!BUSINESS!! (or am I the only one that watched helplessly as that busload of greedy SOB's stole billions of our hard-earned money away with absolutely NOTHING to show for it all except unemployment and loss and NO ONE held responsible for its blatant, in-our-face theft ... oh, here- have a huge bonus and vacation on behalf of the moron taxpayers - HA-HA!!)... and no one seems to really be all that worried about any of it. Are you okay with the state of affairs in this country right now? If you are, just hold onto your hat ... we're only a few short years away from being one of these third-world nations you hear about on the news today.
Anarchy, chaos and tyranny. You want it, you're gonna get it.
I love you, but it sucks to turn on the TV and see what we have come to accept in this country today. I am watching my freedoms and morals and values being stole away by people who just want a free pass for their sin, and I know it's supposed to happen (Revelations, etc) - but it doesn't make it suck any less!!!
Anyway... had a moment.
This too shall pass.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Don't Fear The Truth ... Fear The Lies!
TRUTH is not a scare tactic. Truth is TRUTH. If you feel that Truth is scary, it is probably because you are not living in TRUTH. It's funny how sooo many Christians have no problem twisting scripture to fit their lifestyles, but you can twist, subtract, add to and take away all you want, and it will still never ever affect the TRUTH. Better read your Bibles from cover to cover and discover the TRUTH for yourselves instead of taking Others' word for TRUTH. God is Love. God is TRUTH. If you are disobeying God's truth, you are out of the reality of real LOVE! Therefore, your fear is coming from Lucifer, not God - and thus your deceit is complete. Open your eyes - place them into the GOOD BOOK and find the TRUTH for yourself. Pray as you read that every word of God reveal itself to you in full understanding of HIS TRUTH! Not yours. Amen.
This is a response to the video which can be seen, and is very very recommended for the most genuine value of TRUTH I believe I have ever heard, at:
This is a response to the video which can be seen, and is very very recommended for the most genuine value of TRUTH I believe I have ever heard, at:
Creation VS Evolution ... What's all the bickering about anyway?

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Does anyone realise that all this bickering does not change the fact that we are here - no where else in this universe ... just "HERE!" And we as a race have done a real bang-up job of trashing the very existence of "HERE!", so if "HERE!" is all one believes in, then "HERE!" is a very sad state of existence. "There!" - that place where the Creator awaits His faithful is soooo much better than "Here!", and believing in "There!" makes living "Here!" more tolerable and even completely enjoyable for those who TRULY trust in the Creator - AND ... "There!" gives us hope where "Here!" has nearly lost all hope alltogether. Therefore, even if I'm wrong, at least MY delusion makes living in this miserable existence a real pleasure. Win-Win for me. So sorry about you. I'll keep praying for ya as you keep on living in your hope-less existence, okay. God bless you ... despite your unbelief. Love, Chad (that's me, the happy-in-my-stooper Creationist you love to hate!) ...P.S. once "There!" has come and "Here!" is no longer an option, "There!" will no longer be on the table, and "Nowhere!" will be nothing more than an unreachable dream in comparison to the "Where!" you will end up for the rest of your "Forever!" Just thought you should know. Have a nice day!
Blurred Lines: Christians Supporting Secularism
Oh wow! It just hit me that Tangle (a christian version of YouTube) actually is being sponsored by this movie's ad (Angels and Demons) ... I was under the impression a tangle member had just posted this video until I went to a different vid and saw the ad there. Not surprising really - I just heard a christian radio personality have on a professed "Secular-ist" who has wrote a book about changing from a believer to a secularist and how even secular people should still use principles from the bible to live productive and happy lives - and just having a conversation was one thing to get perspective from either side (the host and the guest), but then the Christian host turned around and encouraged his listening audience to support the non-christian guest's book by purchasing it. Wow - we are being fed to the wolves by our own kind. Smells like the end times to me!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Love is ...
LOVE IS: The gentle flow of time that stops when I think of you. You, my dear friends, make life more tolerable.
May God richly bless you.
May God richly bless you.
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