The answer to life is found in Jesus Christ. Have you EVEN TRIED giving Jesus Christ a chance. If you've tried everything else, and not Him, don't you think you should (now when I say Jesus Christ, I am not talking about Christians or church. I am talking about getting a bible, reading and learning about the Son of God and then praying for Him to reveal Himself to you ... then watch the magic begin. Don't trust in humans - they mess it all up!!)
If you're REALLY TRULY interested in finding the answers to the questions of LIFE, seek the ONE PERSON who knows life because HE CREATED IT!
The rules to living life properly can be found in The Holy Bible. Have you read it?
All of it?
A Facebook friend asked: "If he created life, please tell me who created him?"
Well first of all, since we cannot even figure out how to live our own lives or solve our own problems, we had probably better not try to figure out How our very Creator got created. Secondly, if we knew how God Himself came to be, we would then know ALL mysteries of life because you would have to unmask life itself to find that answer, and well ... Read Morethen He would no longer be God, now would He. We would be, and that simply wouldn't work. Finally, it takes much more faith to believe this PERFECTLY running universe was created by accident. If you truly went hunting for the TRUTH of life, you would find scientific fact that if even one small miniscule thing went wrong in space, everything would fold in on itself, so SOMEBODY is keeping it all "JUST SO" (distance from the sun, moon, etc) to avoid our very existence coming to an end. Now who do you suppose that someone is, my friend? Is it you? It's not me.
Furthermore, you are not an accident. You were especially created to be YOU. You were designed by a loving Creator ... NOT an accident.
Well, as to be expected, I hit a nerve and people started responding...
"Life is what you make of it and all that mumbo jumbo about christ well we all make our own choices people and christ can show us the door but we are the ones that have to chose to walk thru it. Live life like its the last day on earth....."
My response was:
And look where all of us making our own choices as we see fit has gotten us. People have ignored God's laws and done as they please and now we are seeing the horrible effects of those decisions. And don't worry, at this rate our last day on earth is not far away. Question is, do you want to face that day on the sheer chance that Christ is just mumbo jumbo? Good luck with that! Let me know how that works out for you.
she had more to say ... I'll give it to you as it was given to me and then my response ...
"Fir ur info I was not calling christ mumbo jumbo I was saying ur preaching is MUMBO JUMBO. And people who make their own choices are not all bad its only the idiots out their. I do not see you have to be a holy roller to be holy nor to be accepted in heaven. That is Y God died for our sinds to give us the right to make choices DUH....
excuse me jusus died not god...
And who gave u the right to preach about christ you wanna preach become a preacher other wise keep it to ypurself. I don't think god gave anyone the right to speack for him o n whats right nor wrong. Thats for him to decide...."
And me...
Read your comment. You said "christ mumbo jumbo", then read your bible. Clearly you have not been studying the Book of Life. As for me, I am stating fact that can be read in God's word. You have read the Holy Bible, right?
And ... "DUH"? Is that a technical word? College, perhaps?
Jesus IS God ... in the flesh. You had it right the first time. :^)
Jesus died for our sins to give us a chance to be in the presence of GOD our Creator forever. In His glorious kingdom. But that WAS NOT a ticket to do as you please. If you choose to continue to sin, you choose to reject Christ and His commandments, which is what most people are choosing in America today. Yes you have a choice, but you will suffer consequences of the choices you make. Do you really think God is looking down saying, "Oh. Still sinning I see. Still just blowing me off. Oh ... that's okay. Go ahead. I'll let you in anyway." ???? Really????
Seriously, you really need to read your bible. You're talking absolute nonsense. Jesus told the disciples to go out and make disciples of the world. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF gave you the right to speak from the bible to others. Now, little sister, how do you suppose anyone is going to be saved if WE DON"T TELL THEM ABOUT JESUS CHRIST? Are you even listening to yourself? God DID give each and every one of us the right to "preach" the word of God. It's called the great commission and it IS WHAT YOU, ME and EVERY Christ-believing person is supposed to do. But first of all beloved sister, you need to get yourself a bible and read it. Stop listening to everyone elses "IDEALS" about God and find out for yourself because clearly you do not have a clue what your calling is. I love you little sister, but your way of thinking is the reason people AREN'T GETTING SAVED and if you'd just look around you and get a clue, we are running out of time.
Christ is returning ... you'd best find out who CHRIST REALLY IS before you come before Him. I mean seriously ... doesn't anybody read anymore. God gave you the bible to figure Him out for yourself, but if you don't read it, you're a sitting duck for all the lies and deceit the world is spreading about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Read the book. Stop taking everybody else's word for it.
For that matter - don't take my word for it ... look it all up for yourself. It's all in the new testament, but for heaven's sake man ... READ IT!!!

"911 Emergency Call" by Michael Indorato
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