Yadda, yadda, yadda. Does anyone realise that all this bickering does not change the fact that we are here - no where else in this universe ... just "HERE!" And we as a race have done a real bang-up job of trashing the very existence of "HERE!", so if "HERE!" is all one believes in, then "HERE!" is a very sad state of existence. "There!" - that place where the Creator awaits His faithful is soooo much better than "Here!", and believing in "There!" makes living "Here!" more tolerable and even completely enjoyable for those who TRULY trust in the Creator - AND ... "There!" gives us hope where "Here!" has nearly lost all hope alltogether. Therefore, even if I'm wrong, at least MY delusion makes living in this miserable existence a real pleasure. Win-Win for me. So sorry about you. I'll keep praying for ya as you keep on living in your hope-less existence, okay. God bless you ... despite your unbelief. Love, Chad (that's me, the happy-in-my-stooper Creationist you love to hate!) ...P.S. once "There!" has come and "Here!" is no longer an option, "There!" will no longer be on the table, and "Nowhere!" will be nothing more than an unreachable dream in comparison to the "Where!" you will end up for the rest of your "Forever!" Just thought you should know. Have a nice day!
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