PIC: A moment I enjoyed recently ... watching a teenage mime voluntarily playing around a festival in his oufit, juggling balls and bringing joy to people's lives. Folks - not all of our teenagers are lost. Keep hope and listen to this next teen I found online:
From unknown 19 year old author being passed around on tumblr.com. I love waht he/she had to say and wanted to repost it:
“Love as many people as you can. Your friends need you. Your family needs you. A smile to a stranger you passed on the street could’ve made whatever it was that may have been a distress in their lives, a little better. Never give up on love. Give love everywhere. Pour your heart out on what you believe to be true, just, and right. You will know wholeheartedly what those things are.
Take comfort. Even if it seems like it, don’t believe that everything is
falling apart. God, you’re friends, your family, the familiar people in the bakery, the store, your pet dog, the elderly people who sit down in the cafĂ© every Thursday evening… they will always be there for you. Whether you choose to talk to them or not, or if you’ve never even talked to them before. They will always be there. And remember, it’s okay to cry.
Appreciate the things that matter to you, however big or small. The nice alternate drive home, the warm sips from a white mocha frappe, or the friend who is always there to hear you vent about anything. Whichever it is, hold onto that.
Wait. Just wait. Wait. When you’re young, you want everything. And that’s okay. Do desire. Do love. Let your heart run or walk. Dream. Just know that everything in your life is sovereign. Patience is not easy. But good things happen. Just wait.”
From me:
I gather the quote “Just know that everything in your life is sovereign” is speaking that we should treat everything in life independently because every moment of life is in itself an independent situation to be dealt with as it happens. That’s my take on that, as for the rest - kudos to you dear young wise teenager! I pray you are truly able to live out your own wisdom, in Jesus’ name!
As an afterthought - only God is immortal and thus will always be there for you, but the beautiful thing about life is even as moments and the people in those moments pass on, God’s brilliant creation called ”Life” always has something more or someone else magnificent, fascinating and unique to love and tend to you … but watch for it. Keep your eyes wide open and gaurd your heart that you be discernful of the moments and the people that were meant to bless you, and those meant to harm you - and no matter what choices you make, just remember to chalk it up as experience and learn from those experiences. Enjoy your life! There is truly only ONE!
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