Chad says:
And a final Goodnight to two of our childhood pasttimes ... Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett. One gave us great music, the other gave us (men) great dreams... I pray someone gave you Jesus before you went on to meet your maker. Goodnight, farewell and thank you for the memories!
Lisa responded:
Farrah was actually a devout Catholic. Does that count?
Chad responded:
I'm not God Lisa, I don't know what was in Farah's heart when she passed, but God has been very clear what He requests of us to enter into His presence for eternity. He doesn't ask for much, but what He does request He expects. Some Catholics live by this, some don't. I pray she did!
Michael said:
Tragedy that MJ didnt know Christ. thats a real sad thing.
Chad responded:
Well I didn''t know MJ well enough to say he didn't Mikee. I hope you are wrong brother, but I fear you may be right. Thing is my beloved friends, so many people diss God saying His rules are bogus, and yet people choose to live by the standards of Satan without any heckling or bucking at all. God is a good God and He, being the CREATOR OF ALL, knows what is best for us. I lived the devil's way and lived a miserable life. Now I'm living God's way (struggling to do it - but am doing it praise God - the devil wants me back I'm telling ya!), and my life has NEVER BEEN BETTER! I have seen both sides of the coin and am glad I am finally on this end of eternity's coin toss!
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