Here's another little ditty about Creation (see archives for previous post under same name!) This was in response to a question I came across online duriong Bible study...
If you are a Christian, must you also be a Creationist?
My response:
I would love to offer up two visual resources for you:
"Perfect Planet" and "God of Wonders". These two wonderful videos simply present the facts that ANYONE can see in life and in the universe for themselves, using simple common sense and truths, historical facts and YES science. Watch these videos and come to your own conclusions about the truth of Creation... this wonderful masterpiece that Yahweh the Author and Creator lovingly molded with His own hands. You don't have to stick your head in the sand to be a Christian. In fact, most people against intelligent design stick THEIR heads in the sand to deny it. Facts are facts and truth is truth. Seek the truth for yourselves- stop letting others dictate it for you.
Here's a great rundown with scripture references I found online for those seeking truth, but I definitely recommend the two aforementioned movies/documentaries!
also read this:
(Note: due to this person's self-titled blog
Here's a snippet:
"And the Bible teaches that belief in divine creation is a matter of faith. Creation itself may point to God but it doesn't prove God. Like a piece of art silently speaks of its creator, so God's divine artistry in creation teaches us of God: "The heavens declare the glory of God, the earth declares his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). It stands as a mute witness of glory for those with eyes to see (see Psalm 19:3-4). As Pascal observed, there is enough evidence of God's existence in creation for those who want to believe; there will never be enough evidence for those who do not want to believe. It is for this reason that we confess the words of the ancient creed as a matter of faith: "I believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth." The author of Hebrews concurs: "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible" (Hebrews 11:3)."
If you take the time to look beyond the damage we as humans have caused and just see the beauty of the earth and all its wonder, the human being's anatomy and all its wonder, the universe and all its wonder... you'll see that the intricate details and the studies showing how non of this should have sustained itself this long without a designer to hold it all together, you'll see with your own eyes that all of Creation glorifies that designer whom created it all and sustains it all.
Psalm 104
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