I found this question on Yahoo Answers from "Birdy", and some of the responses were so right-on, I just had to post them!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Hi Sweetheart... the most magnificent things just happen, we feel so alive, the joys of having the Spirit of God enter... well this is just so high, loving others with new found compassions. Being able to read the Word of God, and having this 'lite" up before you, with insights into the very heart of God. Something so awesome as the love in you grows and you have the mind of Christ, feeling His presence as close as you want Him to be... Being able to look at all other with new levels and waves of love. You know Birdie, God gives us all who ask of Him the free gift of Salvation. What we do hence with it is our decision. We can grow in this or not... the gift is ours... I am challenged in many areas of my life, and I love how the grace of God works, in me and in others as I take on more authority. The more we take on the more is given. The more we access God's Spirit the more is revealed concerning His mysteries... So I guess for me, seeing how I love better, and how I look to God most often for the answers within... I actually search for God... whereas before, I didn't....I find myself more and more often, asking... "God what would you say, do, what would you have me do?"" Kinda helps in the rearranging of my mountains, and certainly helps me know a better way of helping others... And the Spirit guides us... the more I surrender there, the closer the walk!
Love you
She Dances With Love
Kar~n~ Joy~c
Everything !
We receive a new life ~ a new life in Christ. A new creation as the bible tells us.
The heart is new when we truly accept Him.
For me personally; i found the love i had for my family grew deeper ~ i didn't think i could love them any more than i did ~ but Christ's love operating thru me gives me a deeper understanding of compassion for my family and for other people i meet. I can pray for those i don't even know, or haven't even met :) The Holy Spirit/Ghost leads me to pray and intercede for people whose faces i haven't even seen :)
And the wonderful thing is i now have answers to help people, and the power within to make a difference in peoples lives, and i thank God for these changes He continues to make in me.
I now know God has a plan for my life, and He continues to work it out daily, and i look to Him to enable me to fulfil that plan. I have a destiny ~ and i find that so exciting ~ God is *amazing* isn't He!
I love this text in the Message bible Jer 29
I know what I'm doing - I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
When you call on Me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me you'll find Me. Yes, when you get serious about finding Me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you wont be disappointed. God's decree - I will turn things around for you.
Sorry it's a bit long - i'd like to add one more text
Psalm 139:16
Like an open book You watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
the days of my life all prepared
before i'd even lived one day.
*How *awesome* is our God!
Life's an adventure ~ and even the pain is turned to blessing when i/we trust in Him :)
His love for me is deep, and everlasting, and i realise the depth more each day as i walk and talk with Him ~ this has changed me forever!
blessings xx
EVERYTHING!!! The joy is just so overwhelming. No matter what situation you may be in, you still have the joy of Jesus in you. It's like your eyes are opened up. The things you once did that weren't considered bad ( i.e. sexual sin, drinking, smoking ) you now see the bad in it. It's like you were blind and now you see the light. You also become more tolerant of people and don't want to retaliate when someone does something negative to you. I hope your experiencing or one day experience what I'm talking about.
You are given a fresh start, all your sins of the past are washed away.
you become a new creature in Jesus the Christ.
you walk in newness of life, not in the old carnal self leading to death, but in an unselfish self leading to eternal life.
Pressing for the mark of perfection.
The holy spirit is in me now, I feel him when i pray, when I hear a good homily at work, I even feel his repulsion when I watch a scary movie
As for me (Chad), this is exactly what happened to me. I began to hate the sin I use to love, I get sick when I hear people curse God and Jesus aloud (Hollywood does it all the time- ALL THE TIME), I want to learn more about the Holy Trinity, so I get more into the Word and I speak with Him more often (nearly all the time now), I love people more genuinely and I despise hatred, injustice and falsehood (all sin) very deeply and profoundly now where before it was just a way of life for most including myself. There is a deep-rooted change, and it's always reaching higher, growing me- seeking a better and better man within me each and every day! I love the change in me and look forward to more of God's changes within me.
You truly MUST consider... if you're NOT changing... are you truly born again? Don't be fooled by the world or false doctrine... if you are not changing for the better and finding the things of the world to literally irritate you beyond belief, you very well may be in danger spiritually. If you don't thirst and hunger for the things of God and Christ, you need to reconsider your place in God's kingdom... you may not currently HAVE one!
Check yourself now before it's too late!
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