They use your name as a curse word...
So eager to belittle your Holiness.
They strive to disprove your reality...
Desperate for the Truth to be silenced.
They blaspheme your very deity...
Trying to lose you amidst their dead gods.
They flood the trendy markets
with your cross...
Longing to numb its message.
They spend lifetimes trying to discredit your ministry;
Funny how it just won't die.
After ages of being free from the cross...
They keep trying to put you back on it...
wishing you back into the grave;
Sorry, silly sinners- He has risen,
And it's a permanent stain, Praise God!
Funny, Father, how the more they try,
The stronger my faith and your truth become,
in light of their failures.
If you are truly no threat...
If they really believed you are imagined...
They would not try so hard to erase your presence
Within society...
Among those seeking truth,
And we as your followers would be of
no consequence what-so-ever...
Mindless zombies to be left alone in our own delusion.
No... they cannot leave us be,
For the power of Truth will always long to be free...
seeking release, and
Keeping them busy as they seek to suppress it.
Funny... that!
gods whom don't exist have no power
and this is why no other gods get the respect,
and disrespect,
That You do, My Lord!
No other gods get the attention you do,
For no other gods have the power of Existence
Like you do...
My Beloved Living God.
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