Unwritten Life by C’wick
What is love… is your love unwritten?
An unexpected baby from Lust’s little kitten?
What is lust, but Love that’s been cheated;
Written out of God’s book of life… depleted!
What is a heart that is empty and frail?
Lost with no certainty; a life without a tale.
Feeding your desires and pleasing the flesh…
Until your heart has hardened and
there’s simply nothing left.
What is a song without meaning or words;
A carelessly written carol… just food for the birds;
It is an unwritten tune about one’s selfish life…
Given unto entities that create loneliness and strife.
What is hope without an empty tomb?
it’s an empty womb…
a heart impaled…
With a sword of discontent;
Heroes without soul and hands without nails;
An unwritten life… hopelessly spent.
What is a cross without innocent blood?
It is a Savior… unwritten.
Let me tell you what Hope looks like:
It is Life written by a loving Creator…
And a Son… His greatest story;
It is salvation born of innocent blood:
Forgiveness… mercy… and glory!
It is trust during the darkest times,
And during life’s most heinous decisions;
To know that God is the master of story-
He can rewrite yours with great precision!
To know that the emptiness you feel within
Is but a cleansing for what is to come;
That goodness of life is written in His book,
The Holy Bible-
…come now, and get you some!
Your life is written. Read it.
Live it.
Touch love… Touch Yeshua, the Christ…
Touch God!
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