Monday, May 25, 2009

Grace, Salvation, and Knowledge

Instead of telling people who still live in the world and in sin (after they have received Christ as their Lord and Savior) "Don't worry ... you cannot lose your salvation..." perhaps we should instead go over the scripture with them to help them understand the changes that will happen and the fruits that begin to appear when someone has truly given their lives to Christ so that they understand and thus can come to their own conclusion ( yourself and see if Christ ways be in you...)if they truly have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior ... after all, is not a lack of knowledge that causes so many to believe they are saved when in fact they are not.

And in this same spirit, does the Bible not teach us that when a brother (sister) is in sin we should approach them in love and show them from the Holy Word the proof of that sin (along with witnesses from the body).

If we keep feeding the unrighteous and the unsaved a safety net for their wickedness, how can we possibly expect them to get well and get over their sickly state of self-serving sin?

Do not ask how they got saved ... ask how do they know they are saved. Do they hunger for God, His word, His ways? Do they desire to serve the Mighty Creator or His creation? Do they long to know His ways and His will, or are they content living apart from Him ... still in the world ... still in sin? You WILL know them by their fruits!

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